Company News
Nowadays, having an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate on your website is highly recommended. Apart from increasing security, the HTTPS encryption on your site, provided by SSL certificates, also acts as a search engine ranking factor for your site.
The Domain Name System (DNS) translates the easy-to-remember domain names into numerical IP addresses. Since the DNS exists for more than three decades (1983), it has gradually become a subject to domain hijacking practices.
At HostoHost, we believe that we can always offer you something better! Our new deal regarding the most powerful service that we offer - the dedicated servers, is here to stay!
“The team are helpful, knowledgeable and an absolute pleasure to deal with. I just couldn't imagine hosting a website with any other company.”
----- David Dubois

We are a privately owend specialist web hosting company, dedicated to providing world class hosting solutions and extraordinary service to clients all over the world. From shared web hosting to managed dedicated servers both windows and linux look no further Hostohost is the hosting company that wants to serve your hosting needs.

What sets us apart from other hosting companies is our superior customer support program and our research & development policies We are always seeking first to understand your needs and then tailoring web hosting plans that best suit your Internet strategy..

With the Internet changing so rapidly, Hostohost is continually updating with new developments and leading edge technology - assisting it's customers in gaining and maintaining the competitive edge in local and global markets.

Hostohost offers a wide range of serious hosting solutions to cater for your hosting needs. Whether it is for a small business or a large corporate entity we have a plan to suit every requirement.

You work hard to achieve your goals and in return we work hard to make sure you succeed. So begin taking advantage of our automated web hosting solutions today. Hostohost guarantees you will be 100 % satisfied when you make the decision to use us. Or your money back!